GIT - 4.6 Commits and messages
We will continue by adding files to our newly created testitory of test. As a reminder, we have only one cuckoo.html file which is now not followed. Before adding it and continuing to commit, let's add another file, let's create a file called Venus.html for example with the Touche Venus.html command as this we press, I'm just going to put a text here for the moment . Once you have put text here, save and close. Back at the terminal we make a Git status, and now we have the cuckoo.html and Venus.html files not followed. Now I'm going to add the two files at the same time I will use the Git Add command - the hall to indicate that all the files in this current folder be added to Git, transit zone. Now let's make a Git Status, Git Status, we can see that the 2 files have been added to the Git activation area. Let us continue forward with a commut, however this time instead of specifying the parameter -M to add a validation message in direct line on the guest of order I will simply say Git Commit, therefore Git Commit, like this. This will make the main publisher configured with Git will be used for the validation message Press Enter. For this validation message, it will be several lines so adding a cuckoo file and a file from this. We simply use the backup function and your text editor with for example control S and control W to close the editor. Then Git uses what you have tapped in your text editor as a validation message.