Heroku - 14 Intro Salesforce
Hello everyone and welcome to this introductory course to heroku, today we will be talking about the passion to join forces and the purpose of this section will be to present ways to combine There will be several alternatives to achieve this as well as practical examples at the end of this chapter. chapter you will be able to create integration between its forces heroku, but first what do we mean by integration between its forces and costs essentially it means that the data stored in the data stored in remedies are connected to data stored in salesforce this implies that a change on one side will affect the other side it should be noted that although changes happening on one side are reflected in the other on one side are reflected on the other platform they are still on different and independent databases but why independent databases but why would you want to integrate them integrate its tools means you have the functionality of heroku, to create and manage web applications quickly and easily you will also have the also have the tools to allow you to manage and develop web applications and all the while everything would be powered by salesforce crm which excels in managing your customers and in business logic some businesses depend entirely on salesforce heroku to get their products to their customers let's do a small example of what this application can look like for example for example let's say you are creating a program for a bank this force would be used to power business logic for example it would be a good idea to put all the automatic process related to the transfer of money to related to the transfer of money to another bank or entity for example during the day there will be transfers that the bank will have to ensure for all its customers there should also be a security process security process as for example suspicious activities trigger an alarm that should be verified and validated by a human validated by a human operator and those are possibly fraud or not also in salesforce it should be possible to see all financial also in salesforce it should be possible to see all the financial information of the bank for example is it making a how much profit is it making however an important part of the relationship is how a customer can interact with the bank interact with the bank how can a customer check things like an iban make bank transfers and all those actions that you would expect from an online bank and well this is where the one comes out that is no longer really well suited a web application is not really what it was created for this is where that between heroku, with these pipes lines and add-on you can make applications like an online banking very quickly and scalable you can use at the neck to make an application where customers can customers can see their financial statements their bank transfers general information and also interact with the bank if we take this example into consideration part of the bank's operations happens on salesforce and another one on heroku, that there is a need for a solution to share information between these two platforms Now the question is how can you integrate these two platforms? solutions to link these two separate databases and make their respective data available but why do you need several solutions for the integration in reality one can be enough but we will talk about be enough but we will talk about several of them giving you their advantages and disadvantages and so you can choose the one that suits you best the three solutions that we run during the next videos will be next videos will be and neck connected to the band but his will and peace remains there for its solutions in the next videos we will have theoretical explanations as well as practical practical examples. That's all for this video but I say to you soon for the next one!