Heroku - 23 API REST Exercice
Hello to all and welcome in this course of introduction to heroku, today we are going to create the code necessary that they insert to a new to 40 viala country restful in this source we will have therefore to first deploy it on heroku, then to make a request that and roucou will send via an api restful as the forces to create this to 40 finally we will be able to validate that the 40 was created on this source our goal here will be to understand how to build two 16 force queries using our jay sgs force library to manipulate data on salesforce ya for example a heroku application, but first let's take a look at the codes what we have here is an express server that when receiving a request will create another request for that force will write a down payment from there this is first line are to create a new express server then we import gs force which is the library we will use to connect to this force and use to connect to this force and make requests via the country remains here will create a net point to 40 and when we receive this request we have this function what it does is to connect to this force using the identifiers provided if it manages to connect it will connect to the object to heroku, and that is the action that the reproduce so created has in our case and then we have the fields that we want to create name for websites yes of course choose the fields that you are interested in so I will create a 1 40 with the songs name phone and object finally this part and for the ogre the errors that we will have potentially if there is no error long return the idea of the object we are now going to diploma the code for that I will open my guest of command prompt and I'm going to push this code to hero which we say dot git committe which is mesh and fast heroku, mast the code has been deployed well what I want now is to make a request you see here I have to make a post for salon will need postman to make a request post I first need my endpoint so I'm going to go to heroes coup open the application this I go to postman I can put the url here post and i want the post to be on the slash account i can send brand is back on salesforce we can see that the account was created there was the phone number majaka in number 1 it website the wwf in google.com that's about it for the peace remains there. That's it for this video and for this course on heroku, I say to you now I say to you now to soon for a next course!