Heroku - 3 The different programming languages
Hello everyone and welcome to this introduction to heroku course, in this video we will talk about the different languages that it intersects little used and also tail integration and a neck support there is his first rugby which was at first the only language compatible with heroku in 2006 when it was released initial nowadays it is also compatible with python nod java php go this case the closures I would like to point out that there is a real need for heroku's services, its growth is continuous over the years and it is currently a huge infrastructure that receives more than 25 billion requests per day manages more than 8 million applications and has more than 150 in dom now let's talk about integrations that no support as said before and relayer currently supports more than 150 integration and let's take a look at the most used ones first we have and resort and 10 stiffen is a base of data in memory in memory database it is very good when you want to store data that need to be accessed often or quickly the next integration which is used very often and post greece is a standard sql database that you can use to store your data and you racket for database data the next was at the kafka neck used for its fault tolerance and fast communication between systems it somehow provides a solid pillar to build applications capable of manage billions of events and transactions finally and recourse also integrates salesforce salesforce is the leader in customer relations management this allows you to store all the data related to your customers manage payments manage your leads for business and it is this strength is also the owner of heroku it has so a homemade solution to connect the two platforms the application that we will use as example would be a simple management system you will be able to create read update and delete application users the first step is to build a server in one of the languages that heroku board this server will be able to receive requests and their responses the code will also be responsible for all user-related logic the first thing we need is a place where to store all its users in other words a database it is here that we can use a database like post greece since the data is stored it is not possible to create read update and delete users let's say that in this case the users must exist in the application but are also visible in salesforce so that everyone concerned can see it with heroku it's easy because pos greece can connect to this source and what exists in post d'erez is then combined with salesforce now let's say you're thinking that to improve performance you don't want to have to send queries to the postgrece database whenever someone wants to read a user for that he is possible to implement a cache system which will provide an alternative to sending requests to the database of the blow for example if you do not want to send a racket you can simply store the data in the cache and using shortcuts you will be able to recover user data it should be noted that stiffen is designed only for jury of annoyance so there is no risk of heroku data manipulation at multiple add-ons other than those previously mentioned and which can be integrated into your heroku project and mms is a kind of marketplace filled with the add-ons we're talking about is one of the most powerful tools in heroku that will be all for this video but see you soon for the next video!