Heroku - 8 Heroku postgre part 1

Hello everyone and welcome to this introductory course to heroku. Today we will explore and postgre neck I remind it is a database add-on more precisely it is a relational database this means that you can link data together and create dependencies across the database the data manipulation will affect the last link this relationship management within the database is what mainly differentiates postgre from other databases like mango from bays where there is no relationships between data postgre is considered to be a database with high scalability scalability it can deliver good performance with small tables as well as with tables with tables with millions of records due to that postgresql is seen as the Swiss army knife of the databases among other things because it can be used for small projects as well as for larger ones such as this add-on and enters directly by heroku in this course we will begin with the installation and installation and setup of postgre in heroku then we will have an overview of the functionality of heroku in the postface after that we will need to install some necessary programs to manage manage postgre in the server and finally we will have an example of a table that we have manipulated with code, the code used for the example will be simple so that its understanding is not too hard even without knowledge, still how are the knowledge, still how are the low shoulders I go in its applications it is necessary to go not resources is caught up Because of the stories I want with the free version now postgre has installed. It is just here, before going further I go in the go into the variables of configuration to the installation of postgrè and heroku has created a variable of configuration, database the url it contains information to be able to access the database both you see this variable as the identification information of the database this variable will be used in the code to connect to the to connect to the database of the rookies the tour in judge perez starting with overview you can find here a lot of information related to the database you see for example here by email that means that it is not it is not a copy of the noble the version of pocket ds which is used the date of creation the maintenance that is how the updates on the progress appears much the role down that is used when you have for example an error or data or in sum when the data of the database are ruined with a roll back it is possible to return to a point in the past use shows the number of current connections is also the new maximum connection that one can have at the same time in london on the side of sustainability this section is about the protection of the database could here make backups manually given that the manual backups they can be not enough in term of security and recourse also has a continuous protection that means that there will be regularly copies of the vàd of all these backups can be deployed in pose in the settings you can get the login information this is useful when you want to access by an external thing to the database to use this information at the latest the two to 90 by the same could 7 the database so it will delete all the data and you can destroy the database finally attac lips play one it is important to notify it's given henry you can't do any manipulation here like inserted update or deleted how it works first here you can put a title here test at this place you will have to choose to database with which you want to interview so if on your account you have several applications with different postgre, from here choose which one you want to access and then you can save it to to launch me it is here that you will be able to write your request for example select it says et cetera for the moment it is not useful because our database is empty one of the limitations of hero move is that you can't manipulate the database directly database directly that means we need an external tool to access air cut to fat and change it so that's what change it so that's what we'll do the instar has installed remains in our machine locally. It is all for today but I say to you soon for the next one!