IONIC - 2.2 Installing IONIC

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After installing Node.Js, we will be able to install Ionic on our system. To do this, we will have to enter CLIs. As a reminder, the acronym CLI stands for Command Line Interface, in other words in French, command line interface, which will allow us to interact with our system. And that's what we're going to do, we're going to find and copy the Ionic installation link in order to run it in our terminal. npm Install -g Ionic, if you are like me on Mac or Linux, don't forget to put sudo before writing and executing the command. Once executed, you will likely be prompted for your password. Once downloaded, we can use this Ionic CLI anywhere in any path here in our terminal to create new Ionic projects, to run them, to create an app from them, and so on. So now that it is installed, we can use it to create a new application. To do this, in your terminal or command prompt, you will have to navigate to the folder where you want to create your new Ionic project folder. First we will execute the Ionic start command, following this, it will ask you some questions like, what should be the name of this project, I call it Ionic-angular-course, but you can of course choose another name that suits you. Then you can choose a couple from a couple of models. We have the choice between blank which is a totally empty project that we can create from start to finish, the side menu, a page with a side menu and the tags with a tab menu that will give you some tips. So we'll go to blank which will generate a new project and install all dependencies like Angular or Ionic. This project requires you to wait for it to finish, so I invite you to finalize this download before continuing to the next step. Now you can navigate to the file we created earlier or we will run “ionic serve” there. Now the Ionic service will be able to run a development server that runs your application. Here we have our first Ionic app. That will be all for this first part concerning our Ionic project with the installations, if you ever have any difficulties with the installation, do not hesitate to review the video, and consult the documentation. You will find plenty of information on sites like stackoverflow. I therefore give you an appointment for the next video on the second part where we will be able to personalize our Ionic application, See you soon !