IONIC Section 4 - 4.16 Finalizing the layout
Click here for more videos available on our youtube channel !Hello everyone, now we can fix the styling just by using the techniques we have already learned, using the grid and some of these CSS classes. Let's start with the grid, basically I can just copy the grid setup we've been using so far. So, "size-md=6, offset-md=3", we can copy it and add it to our other columns as well. With this simple change, we ensure that these columns in these rows are the same size. So we go back to our application by reloading it, and first we will test by entering an invoice of 4 euros, so we have a better display. Regarding our display of the total expense, we can indicate a "center", so for that, we can go to this paragraph and try to insert "center" as an attribute. And when you go back to our app, you will see that now it is well centered. And with that, I would say we have a pretty good app. That will be all about this video, if you want to test or try a personalized style, do not hesitate to treat yourself, you have all the necessary documentation to apply, for my part I stayed in a basic style to ensure readability and good understanding for each of you taking this course. This video is coming to an end, I'll give you an appointment for the next one.