IONIC Section 4 - 4.4 Setting up an Ionic project without Angular

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Hello and welcome to this video, today we are going to do some practice following the theory, we will try to configure an Ionic project without Angular. To do this, we recreate an Ionic project through Angular, and what we're going to do now is delete all the content, so I delete "delete" and I'll just add a file that will be called "index.html" and in this file I will enter the skeleton of HTML by typing !it takes me out the Doctype and I change the language and entity I will write "budget plan". Now, as a first simple dummy application, I want to build a budget plan, a list that allows us add expenses and calculate our total expenses. Now why am I using this without Angular? Because, although we are using Angular for the rest of the course, one of the greatest assets of these Ionics web components, is that it also works without any frame. I want you to understand and want to focus only on Ionic. You don't even have a shred of Angular's object or that Angular can do anything here because we won't be using it. not in this simple application, but we will use it without worries in the rest of this course. So here I only want to use Ionic and we can do it. For this you will have to consult the site "" in the "Docs" tab, through the installation you will go to "package & CDN". Now here you have learned how to add Ionic to an Angular application, but you will also find this CDN link that you can add to any HTML file to include the Ionic package and the integrated Ionic web component. You should add it here at the end of your main section so I copy and paste it. However, you don't only need the JavaScript package, you'll also want some default styles that's why you have a link attaching the CSS. Now that we have the styling and the JavaScript code, we are ready to use the Ionic components. This video is coming to an end, see you in the next video for the rest.