IONIC Section 7 - 7.1 Navigation and Routing in Ionic apps introductory module

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Hello everyone, so we first looked at how we can switch between different pages in our app in the latest modules, but this was a very basic aspect, you can do a lot more in an Ionic + Angular app. And in this module, you will therefore learn all the different ways to move from page to page. It doesn't just mean how to trigger those switches, but more importantly how to implement things like tabs etc. To be more specific, we are going to look at the Angular router and the Ionic navigation controller, you haven't heard of the navigation controller yet, but it is another tool that can help us to switch pages, although you mainly learn to use the Angular router. You will learn how to add tabs to your app. So you can, if you want, navigate in a tab and add a sidedrawer that you can use for navigation. You will learn how to use overlays, overlays, or more specifically, a modal, which is also a bit of a navigation as it takes up the page and gives the user a new page on top of the other, so to speak, and we'll come back at the end of the module. Also dive into "guards" which is a feature provided by Angular, not something from Ionic but a feature that we can use and of course in Ionic Angular applications that can help us for example with things like authentication. So lots of ground to cover, let's dive right into the subject in the next video.