Python 3.8 : Condition and variable : Booleen

We are going to continue with my coconut you are here we are going to see the conditions it is the if and the else it is necessary to note that there are several types of operator, we have the operas and arithmetic the plus the minus the multiplication and the division we have the operators of chain it is about the concatenation that is the plus and the repetition that is the times we also have the logical operators that is about the and the blow so on in the operators of assignment and in this part not used the operators of comparison is the double equality of inferior or equal superior or inferior and superior here we are going to return to the screen major or minor according to the age of the two persons that the user will have entered for that we must make an if, if the age is greater than or equal to 18 colon print you are of age to do the opposite condition, we could do the if if if the age is less than or equal to 17 colon print you are a minor that would work normally but the good practice would be to put an else instead and I'll restart my code titi, mimi titi what is your age? 12 Mimi how old are you? 17 You see that at the level of titi, we have marked minor well I'll put the space to see well to put the space I'll put a print I restart my code titi mimi 12, 19 you see that at this level we have you call titi you are 12 years old the impression you will be 13 years old you are minor and you call mimi you are 19 years old the impression and you are major so everything works normally we must retain that this function returns in reality a boolean type that is true or false for that I will put a condition that I will call variable or value it is better, value equal to age greater than or equal to 18 and here I will put value and I will restart my code and we can even do to check the type the type of the value by putting a print type between brackets value, I look at my code titi, mimi 13 19 you see here you call mimi you are 19 years old and is of type booleen if I put here to see the value print value here is to see in reality the result that it returns, I restart my code Mimi 12 19 you see that here at the level of Mimi you have 13 years it is false false and at the level of Titi it is too much so the condition if condition returns a value. The boolean type is why here I had marked true or false. Well, we'll see you soon for a new video on the elif which means in reality otherwise if