Python 5.1 : Project creation
We will continue our learning and here we will create a new project by clicking on a new project by clicking on new project, we'll change the name to magic number but I'll abbreviate and then click on create when the project is created, we select this, we delete well before we start on the magic numbers, we'll start by creating some constants that will help us to move forward, and to test the code more easily let's start by giving the exact value of the magic number, magic number in capital letters to say it's a constant as we have seen above equal to 5 and after this we will give the maximum value is the minimum value the minimum value, ... so min number equal to one and max number equal to 10, so this will help us to test our code more easily it's true that we cheat a little ... I have a little but it is to advance and understand things more we say to ourselves very soon for a next video concerning the request of the number.