◎ Formation complète AWS ◎

1.1 Introduction AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 1.3 Introduction aws account creation 1.5 Introduction define an aws budget 1.8 Introduction how to read an aws invoice 3.10 Introduction to aws fundamentals 3.11 Aws régions and overview 3.12 Introduction IAM AWS 3.14 Introduction EC2 AWS 3.15 Overview on aws ssh 3.16 SSH over Linux&Mac 3.17 SSH over Windows AWS 3.18 SSH over Windows10 AWS 3.20 EC2 Instance connect AWS 3.21 Introduction to aws security groups 3.22 How aws security group 3.23 Introduction aws network recall 3.24 Aws ip addresses and instances 3.25 Installalling the apache aws web server 3.26 aws ec2 user data 3.27 The different types of aws instances launch 3.28 Request from bodies 3.29 Instances lab AWS 3.30 Les types d'instances EC2 AWS 3.31 What id an aws ami 3.32 how create an ami from an aws instance 3.33 Copying ami from another aws account 3.34 Aws placement groups 3.35 What is an aws eni 3.37 E2 Hibernate AWS 3.38 How aws hibernation mode work 3.39 EC2 for aws architects 4.41 What is load balancing 4.42 The classic load balancer clb (v1) 4.44 Nlb network load Balancer(V2) 4.45 L'adhesion to load balencer 4.47 How to manage ssl/tls certificates 4.49 Aws asg overview 4.50 Création of asg group 4.51 The different scaling strategies for gsas 5.53 What is an ebs volume 5.54 How to create an ebs volume The different use of cases of ebs volume 5.56 Instant ebs volumes 5.57 Migration of ebs volumes 5.58 Ebs volume encryption 5.59 Différence between ebs volume and instance store 5.60 Raids options for ebs 5.61 What is the efs 5.62 Efs aws 5.63 How to clean your instance 5.64 What is the efs 6.65 Rds aurora and elasticache services 6.66 - AWS RDS read only replicas vs multi replica AZ.mp4 6.67 Management console AWS 6.68 RDS aws encryption and security 6.69 Amazon aurora overview 6.70 How to create an aurora database 6.71 Elasticache overview 6.72 ElastiCache LAB AWS 6.73 Elasticache security strategy 7.76 Route 53 aws overview 7.78 Route 53 EC2 Setup 7.79 TTL DNS record 7.80 The cname and alias records 7.81 Simple routing strategy 7.82 Weighted routing strategy 7.83 Latency routing strategy 7.84 Health checks status check 7.85 Switch over routing strategy