2.1 Installing the Java environment
Hello in the previous video, we discovered together what the Java language was and in this course we will see how to install Java on your PC. Come on, let’s go! very well so it is now time to install the Java “Development kit” which will be used to launch our Java we will now use an open source version of a Java open JDK development kit. This creative version that we use is created by Amazon whose name and Amazon corretto and we will also use iNTELLIJ IDEA which is a bit like word processing but to create programs. It is a very powerful software containing many features for beginners and professional developers but what is great is that it is also very easy to take in hand for beginners. There is a free Community edition or an ultimate paid edition. Finally in the next video we will start installing the 11 JDK version of Amazon corretto, so to the next.