➲ Java : Section 1

⁂ 1 Introduction Java

➔ Welcome to this first Java course in which we will learn how to program Java

➲ Java : Section 2

⁂ 2.1 Installing the Java environment

➔ We will install the environment that will allow us to use the Java language

⁂ 2.2 Installing the Java environment-2

➔ Part 2 of the Java environment installation.

⁂ 2.3 Installing the Java environment-3

➔ Part 3 of the Java environment installation.

➲ Java: Section 3

⁂ 3.1 Introduction

➔ In this section of the course, we will see the "Hello World" and then the variables, the data types...

⁂ 3.2 Hello World

➔ So let’s start writing our first program "Hello World"

⁂ 3.3 Hello World Challenge

➔ I have a little challenge for you here and the challenge is to see if you can modify this program so that instead of displaying hello world, it displays hello Tim or hello, regardless of your first name.

⁂ 3.4 Variables

➔ In this course you will learn what variables are.

⁂ 3.5 Example variables

➔ So, we will see examples of the variables.

⁂ 3.6 The Operators

➔ Now let’s see the operators and how they used them.

➲ Java : Section 4

⁂ 4.1 Introduction

➔ In this section of the course, we will see the Expression and then the Declaration and the code blocks ...

⁂ 4.2 Expression, Declaration, Code Block and Method

➔ We will make our first variable declaration...

⁂ 4.4 Declation, If et else

➔ Through this course, you will learn how to elaborate conditions...

⁂ 4.5 Code block, conditions

➔ We will build more advanced conditions.

⁂ 4.8 Correction challenge

➔ let's make the correction of our challenge...

4.9 Method

➔ We will learn how to create methods and use them in our program...

⁂ 4.10 Example Method

➔ We will create our own method...

⁂ 4.11 Method challenge

➔ Let's perform the Correction of the challenge on the methods

⁂ 4.12 method overload introduction

➔ We will introduce the notion of overcharge essential in Java

⁂ 4.13 practice Method overload

➔ Let's do some exercises on Method Overload.

⁂ 4.14 method overload practice challenge

➔ Let's continue on our Exercise and a little challenge at the end.

⁂ 4.15 method-overload-Correction-challenge

➔ Correction of our challenge on the overload

➲ Java: Section 5

⁂ 5.1 Switch

➔ What is the switch and how to use it?

⁂ 5.2 Switch Challenge

➔ A small challenge on the Switch!

⁂ 5.3 Day of the Week Challenge

➔ We’ll do the Day of the Week Challenge !

⁂ 5.4 Number in Word

➔ Another challenge that is the number in word

⁂ 5.5 For loop

➔ In this course, we will look at the For loop.

⁂ 5.6 For loop Challenge

➔ Now that we’ve seen the For Loop, a little challenge?

⁂ 5.7 Sum 3 and 5 Challenge

➔ In this course, we are going to do an exercise of numbers ranging from 1 to 1000 with the for loop.

⁂ 5.8 While loop

➔ In this course we will see the while loop.

⁂ 5.9 Do While loop

➔ Now, let’s take a look at the Do While loop.

⁂ 5.10 Parsing values

➔ In this video we will convert a character string into another type of data.

⁂ 5.11 Reading User Input

➔ In this video, we will create a scanner object that will allow a user to write text.

⁂ 5.12 Problems and Solutions

➔ We will see the problems related to the scanner

⁂ 5.13 Reading User Input Challenge

➔ Now that we’ve seen the scanner, a little challenge to see if you understand?

⁂ 5.14 Min and Max Challenge

➔ Another challenge? This time it’s the Min and Max challenge!

➲ Java : Section 6

⁂ 6.1 Introduction class and object

➔ Introduction class and object

⁂ 6.2 OOP class

➔ Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

⁂ 6.3 OOP Method, Assignment and Builder

➔ Assignment, method and constructor concept

⁂ 6.4 OOP Method, Assignment and Builder Part 2

➔We will see the notion of method, attribute....

⁂ 6.5 OOP Setters

➔ The setters a change from the private field...

⁂ 6.6 OOP challenge-1

➔ A first challenge on Object Oriented programming

⁂ 6.7 OOP challenge-2

➔ A second challenge on Object Oriented programming

⁂ 6.8 OOP constructor-1

➔ constructor in a class creates a new instance of the class

⁂ 6.9 OOP constructor-2

➔ We are going to deepen our knowledge about the manufacturers.

⁂ 6.10 OOP constructor and challenge

➔ Our first challenge

⁂ 6.11 OOP correction challenge

➔ Correction of our challenge

⁂ 6.12 OOP Inheritance-1

➔ In Java, the inheritance mechanism allows to define a class hierarchy including all classes

⁂ 6.13 OOP Inheritance-2

➔ Let's continue on the legacy.

⁂ 6.14 OOP Inheritance-3

➔ Through this third part on inheritance, we will deepen this important notion in OOP

⁂ 6.15 OOP Reference, Object, Instance and Class

➔ An object is basically a block of memory that has been allocated

⁂ 6.16 OOP This and Super

➔ the super keyword in Java is a reference variable that is used to refer to objects of the parent class

⁂ 6.17 OOP Methode Overloading and Overrinding

➔ Overload AND Method redefinition

⁂ 6.18 OOP Static and Insane Variable

➔In this course we discussed the notion of static variables

⁂ 6.19 OOP Exercice-1

➔ Practice more better vaux practiced than acquire notions.

⁂ 6.20 OOP-Part 2 Exercice-2

➔Second exercise let's practice together

➲ Java: Section 7

⁂ 7.1 Introduction

➔ Introduction to Section 7

⁂ 7.2 Inheritance reminder

➔ A little reminder about inheritance.

⁂ 7.3 Composition

➔ In this video we will see the composition that will allow to reference an object that does not belong to your class.

⁂ 7.4 Composition Challenge

➔ A little challenge on composition!

⁂ 7.5 Encapsulation

➔ Encapsulation will allow us to define the visibility and accessibility of properties and methods of a class to better control their use.

⁂ 7.6 Encapsulation Challenge

➔ So, let’s do a little Challenge on encapsulation.

⁂ 7.7 Polymorphisme

➔ In this video, we will see the polymorphism that allows to modify the behavior of a daughter class in relation to its mother class.

⁂ 7.8 Polymorphisme Challenge

➔ Now let’s do a Challenge on polymorphism.


➔ In this video, we will create a small application, using object-oriented programming.

⁂ 7.10 OOP MASTER 2

➔ We will continue with our Hamburger app.

➲ Java : Section 8

⁂ 8.1 The tables

➔ This video is about tables in Java, how to create and populate them with data.

⁂ 8.2 The tables Part-2

➔ This video is a continuation of the previous video, covering more advanced topics such as customizing the appearance of tables and using them to display and edit data.

⁂ 8.3 The tables Part-3

➔ This video covers even more advanced topics related to tables, such as using filters and sorting algorithms to manipulate the data within them.

⁂ 8.4 The tables challenge

➔ his video presents a challenge related to tables, where viewers are asked to create and populate a table with data based on a specific set of requirements.

⁂ 8.5 tables Challenge correction

➔ This video provides the solution to the challenge presented in the previous video and offers an explanation of the thought process behind the solution.

⁂ 8.6 Reference Types and Value Types

➔ This video introduces the concept of reference types and value types in Java, explaining their differences and how they are used in programming.

⁂ 8.7 Reversing the meaning of a challenge table

➔This video presents a new challenge related to tables, where viewers are asked to reverse the meaning of a pre-existing table.

⁂ 8.8 Correction challenge

➔This video provides the solution to the challenge presented in the previous video and explains the steps taken to achieve the solution.

⁂ 8.9 ArrayList

➔ This video introduces the ArrayList class in Java, explaining how it differs from arrays and how it can be used to store and manipulate collections of data.

⁂ 8.10 ArrayList Part 2 and exercice

➔ This video is a continuation of the previous video, covering more advanced topics related to ArrayLists and providing an exercise for viewers to practice their skills.

⁂ 8.11 Correction exercice ArrayList

➔This video provides the solution to the exercise presented in the previous video and offers an explanation of the thought process behind the solution.

⁂ 8.12 LinkeList

➔This video introduces the LinkedList class in Java, explaining how it differs from ArrayLists and how it can be used to store and manipulate collections of data.

⁂ 8.13 LinkeList exercice

➔This video provides an exercise related to LinkedLists for viewers to practice their skills.

⁂ 8.14 LinkeList exercice correction and challenge

➔ This video provides the solution to the exercise presented in the previous video and offers a new challenge related to LinkedLists.

➲ Java: Section 9

⁂ 9.1 Interface

➔ This video introduces the concept of interfaces in Java, explaining how they are used to define a set of methods that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface.

⁂ 9.2 Interface 2

➔ This video is a continuation of the previous video, covering more advanced topics related to interfaces and providing examples of their usage in Java

⁂ 9.3 Inner class

➔This video explains the concept of inner classes in Java, which are defined classes within another class

⁂ 9.4 Anonymous class

➔ This video covers anonymous classes in Java, which are internal classes without a name.

⁂ 9.5 Abstract class

➔ his video introduces the concept of abstract classes in Java, which are classes whose methods have not all been implemented.

⁂ 9.6 Differences between the abstract class and the interface

➔ This video explains the differences between abstract classes and interfaces in Java.

➲ Java : Section 10

⁂ 10.1 Generic introduction

➔his video introduces the concept of generics in Java, which are used to define classes and methods that can work with different types of objects.

⁂ 10.2 generique static

➔ This video covers generic static variables in Java.

⁂ 10.3 Generic one parameter method

➔ This video covers generic methods with a single parameter in Java.

⁂ 10.4 Generic two parameters method

➔A generic method with two parameters

➲ Java: Section 11

⁂ 11.1 Naming Conventions

➔ This chapter will cover the importance of following a standardized naming convention while writing Java code. It will discuss the different types of naming conventions, such as CamelCase and snake_case, and how they can be used to make code more readable and understandable for other developers

⁂ 11.2 Package

➔ This chapter will introduce the concept of packages in Java. It will explain what packages are, how they work, and how they can be used to organize code into logical groups. The chapter will also cover the naming conventions for packages and how to use them effectively.

⁂ 11.3 Scope

➔ This chapter will explain the concept of scope in Java. It will define the different types of scopes, such as class scope and method scope, and how they impact the availability of variables within the code. The chapter will also cover the best practices for using scope effectively in Java programs.

⁂ 11.4 Scope2

➔ This chapter will cover the concept of access modifiers in Java. It will define the different types of access modifiers, such as public and private, and explain how they control the visibility of variables and methods in the code. The chapter will also discuss the best practices for using access modifiers in Java programs

⁂ 11.5 Access Modifier

➔ We’re going to talk about access modifiers.

⁂ 11.6 The stactic statement

➔ This chapter will provide a refresher on the "static" keyword in Java. It will explain what the static keyword does, how to use it, and the benefits of using it in certain situations. The chapter will also provide examples of when to use the static keyword and when to avoid it.

➲ Java: Section 13

⁂ 13.1 JavaFX

➔ In this chapter, we will introduce the JavaFX application and start working on it.

⁂ 13.2 Wecome to JavaFX Program

➔ We will display a welcome message to the user.

⁂ 13.3 Welcome to JavaFX Program 2

➔ In this chapter, we will continue working on the welcome message program.

⁂ 13.4 GridPane Layout

➔ We will look at different types of layouts, starting with GridPane.

⁂ 13.5 Hbox Layout

➔ In this chapter, we will explore another layout called HBox.

⁂ 13.6 BorderPane

➔ We will learn about BorderPane layout in this chapter.

⁂ 13.7 BorderPane 2

➔ Continuing with the BorderPane, we will learn more about it in this chapter.

⁂ 13.8 BorderPane 3

➔ In this chapter, we will continue working with BorderPane.

⁂ 13.9 Other layouts

➔ We will explore other types of layouts in this chapter.

⁂ 13.10 Other layouts 2

➔ Continuing with the other types of layouts, we will learn more about them in this chapter.

⁂ 13.11 controls

➔ In this chapter, we will learn about the various controls that JavaFX offers, starting with buttons and labels.

⁂ 13.12 Bouton Radio

➔ We will learn about radio buttons in this chapter.

⁂ 13.13 CheckBox

➔ In this chapter, we will explore checkboxes.

⁂ 13.14 TextField

➔ We will learn about text fields in this chapter.

⁂ 13.15 ComboBox and ChoiceBox

➔ In this chapter, we will learn about combo boxes and choice boxes.

⁂ 13.16 Slider Control

➔We will explore the slider control in this chapter.

⁂ 13.17 Spinner Control

➔ In this chapter, we will learn about the spinner control, which is similar to the combo box.

⁂ 13.18 ColorPicker and DatePicker

➔In this chapter, we will explore the ColorPicker and DatePicker controls.

⁂ 13.19 TitledPane

➔ In this chapter, we will learn about the TitledPane control.

⁂ 13.20 Events and Event Handlers

➔ In this chapter, we will learn about events and event handlers in JavaFX.

⁂ 13.21 Ui Thread

➔ The Ui Thread in Java is responsible for handling the graphical user interface (GUI) of an application. It is the main thread that interacts with the user and updates the UI components such as buttons, text fields, and menus. The Ui Thread ensures that the user interface remains responsive and does not freeze or crash due to long-running tasks. It is important to handle time-consuming operations on separate threads to avoid blocking the Ui Thread.

⁂ 13.22 Todolist

➔ The Java module of Todolist is a powerful tool for managing tasks and projects. It allows users to create and organize to-do lists, set deadlines and reminders, and track progress towards completion. The module is designed to be user-friendly and customizable, with a range of features that can be tailored to meet individual needs. With its intuitive interface and robust functionality, the Java module of Todolist is an essential tool for anyone looking to stay organized and productive.

⁂ 13.22 Todolist part 2

➔The Java module for "Todolist part 2" is a continuation of the previous module, focusing on enhancing the functionality of the to-do list application. This module covers topics such as creating and editing tasks, implementing task categories, and sorting tasks based on priority and due date. Students will also learn about file input/output and serialization to save and load their to-do lists. The module emphasizes object-oriented programming concepts and provides hands-on practice with Java programming.

⁂ 13.24 Base interface

➔ The Base Interface module in Java provides a set of fundamental interfaces that are used throughout the Java class library. These interfaces define basic functionality and behavior that can be implemented by classes in order to provide common functionality to other classes. The Base Interface module includes interfaces such as Iterable, Comparable, and Serializable, which are essential for creating robust and efficient Java programs. This module is a cornerstone of the Java language and is a crucial component for any Java developer to understand.

⁂ 13.25 Base interface 2

➔ Base Interface 2 is a Java module that provides a set of interfaces for implementing basic functionality in Java applications. It includes interfaces for handling collections, iterators, comparators, and other essential programming constructs. The module is designed to be lightweight and flexible, allowing developers to easily extend and customize its functionality to meet their specific needs. With Base Interface 2, developers can build robust and efficient Java applications that are well-structured and easy to maintain.

⁂ 13.26 Add change

➔The "Add Change" Java module is a tool that allows developers to make modifications to existing code without having to rewrite the entire program. It is designed to streamline the process of adding new features or fixing bugs, by isolating the changes and integrating them seamlessly into the existing codebase. The module provides a range of features, including version control, code review, and automated testing, to ensure that modifications are made safely and efficiently. With "Add Change," developers can make changes to their code with confidence, knowing that they are working within a secure and reliable framework.

⁂ 13.27 Add change 2

➔ "Add change 2" is a Java module that implements new features or makes modifications to existing ones in a software application. This module could be used to add new functionalities, fix bugs, improve performance, or enhance the user experience. It is an important tool for software developers to keep their applications up-to-date and relevant in the ever-changing technology landscape. The "Add change 2" module is designed to seamlessly integrate with other Java modules and provide a smooth transition for end-users.

⁂ 13.21 Date formating

➔The Java Date Formatting module provides a set of classes that allow developers to format dates and times in a variety of ways. It includes features such as specifying the date and time format, parsing date strings, and formatting dates for different locales. This module is essential for creating applications that require precise date and time formatting, such as financial applications or scheduling software. It is also useful for internationalization, as it allows developers to format dates in different languages and regions.

⁂ 13.29 Singleton

➔The Singleton pattern in Java ensures that only one instance of a class is created and provides a global point of access to that instance. This pattern is useful when there is a need to limit the number of instances of a class and ensure that all objects access the same instance. The Singleton pattern is implemented by creating a private constructor and a static method that returns the single instance of the class.

⁂ 13.30 Singleton 2

➔ The Singleton 2 Java module is a design pattern that ensures only one instance of a class is created and provides a global point of access to it. This module is useful in situations where a single object is required to coordinate actions across a system, such as a database connection or a configuration file. The Singleton 2 pattern builds upon the original Singleton pattern by adding lazy initialization and thread safety to improve performance and prevent race conditions.

⁂ 13.31 Dialogpane

➔ The Java DialogPane module provides a customizable dialog box that can be used to display messages and receive user input. It includes various pre-built components such as buttons, text fields, and labels that can be easily added to the dialog box. The module also allows for custom components to be added and for the layout and design of the dialog box to be fully customized. It is a useful tool for creating user-friendly interfaces in Java applications.

⁂ 13.32 Loading and saving todoitems part 2

➔This Java module focuses on the second part of loading and saving todo items. It covers the implementation of file reading and writing using the Java IO API. Students will learn how to create and manipulate files, read data from them, and write data to them. They will also learn how to handle exceptions and errors that may occur during file operations. The module provides hands-on exercises to reinforce the concepts taught.

⁂ 13.34 Dialogpane 2

➔DialogPane is a Java module that provides a customizable dialog box for displaying information or prompting user input. It includes features such as buttons, text fields, and checkboxes, and can be easily integrated into Java applications. DialogPane 2 offers enhanced functionality and improved user experience, with support for custom fonts, icons, and layout options. It also includes built-in validation and error handling, making it a powerful tool for creating user-friendly interfaces.

⁂ 13.35 Show dialog

➔The "Show dialog" module in Java allows developers to create and display dialog boxes to the user. These dialog boxes can be used for a variety of purposes, such as displaying messages, gathering input from the user, or providing options for the user to choose from. The module provides a range of customization options, including the ability to set the title and content of the dialog, as well as the buttons and icons displayed to the user. This module is a useful tool for creating user-friendly interfaces in Java applications.

⁂ 13.36 Show dialog 2

➔The "Show dialog 2" Java module allows developers to display customizable dialog boxes to the user. These dialog boxes can contain a range of different elements, such as text, buttons, and input fields, and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as displaying error messages or prompting the user for input. The module provides a simple and intuitive API for creating and customizing dialog boxes, making it easy for developers to integrate them into their Java applications.

⁂ 13.37 update list view

➔The Java "update list view" module is a programming tool used to refresh and display updated data in a list view. It allows developers to dynamically update the content of a list view without having to manually reload the entire page. This module is commonly used in web applications and software development to improve user experience and streamline data management. It is an essential component for applications that require real-time data updates.

⁂ 13.37 Update list view 2

➔The Java module "Update list view 2" is designed to allow developers to dynamically update the contents of a list view in their applications. This module provides efficient and streamlined methods for adding, removing, and modifying items in the list view, as well as for handling user interaction with the list view. With "Update list view 2", developers can create responsive and dynamic user interfaces that enhance the user experience.

⁂ 13.39 Data binding and Observable

➔ The Java Data Binding and Observable module allows for the synchronization of data between user interface components and data models. It provides a way to automatically update the user interface when the data changes in the model, and vice versa. This module uses the Observer pattern to achieve this functionality. The Observable interface is implemented by the model, while the Observer interface is implemented by the user interface components. This module is useful for creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

⁂ 13.40 Data binding and observable 2

➔Data binding and observable 2 is a Java module that allows for the automatic synchronization of data between different components in an application. It provides a simple and efficient way to bind data models to user interfaces, allowing for real-time updates and changes. This module also supports the use of observables, which can be used to track changes to data and trigger events accordingly. With Data binding and observable 2, developers can create more dynamic and responsive applications with ease.

⁂ 14.03 Lambda expression

➔Lambda expressions in Java allow you to write concise and functional code by providing a way to pass behavior as an argument to a method. They are essentially anonymous functions that can be used to implement functional interfaces with a single abstract method. This feature was introduced in Java 8 and has since become a popular tool for simplifying code and improving readability. Lambda expressions are a powerful tool for writing clean, efficient, and expressive code in Java.

⁂ 14.06 Handling of several exceptions

➔The Handling of Several Exceptions module in Java teaches programmers how to handle multiple exceptions in their code. Students learn how to use try-catch blocks to catch and handle different types of exceptions, as well as how to use nested try-catch blocks to handle exceptions in more complex scenarios. They also learn about the importance of properly logging and reporting exceptions to help with debugging and troubleshooting. By the end of the module, students will have a solid understanding of how to effectively manage exceptions in their Java programs.

⁂ 14.07 Create files

➔The Java "Create files" module is a programming tool that allows users to create new files in their Java applications. It provides a range of methods and classes that enable developers to create files in different formats and with various properties, such as file name, extension, and location. This module is essential for applications that require file creation capabilities, such as file editors, document management systems, and data processing tools. It is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with other Java modules, making it a valuable addition to any Java developer's toolkit.

⁂ 14.07.02 Create files

➔ The Java "Create files" module is a programming tool that allows users to create new files in their Java applications. It provides a range of methods and classes that enable developers to create files in different formats and with various properties, such as file name, extension, and location. This module is essential for applications that require file creation capabilities, such as file editors, document management systems, and data processing tools. It is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with other Java modules, making it a valuable addition to any Java developer's toolkit.

⁂ 14.08 Playback of files

➔The Java module for playback of files allows for the seamless integration of audio and video files into Java applications. With this module, developers can easily add playback functionality to their programs, providing users with a more immersive experience. The module supports a variety of file formats and provides advanced playback controls, such as play, pause, and seek. Additionally, it offers features like volume adjustment and looping, giving developers the flexibility to create custom playback experiences tailored to their specific needs.

⁂ 14.09 Project

➔The Java module in the "Project" framework provides a comprehensive set of tools for developing robust and scalable applications. With its powerful libraries and intuitive APIs, developers can easily create complex applications that run seamlessly across multiple platforms. The module includes support for advanced features like multithreading, networking, and database integration, making it an ideal choice for building enterprise-level applications. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, the Java module in "Project" is an essential tool for building high-quality software.

⁂ 14.10 Creation and reading of a file

➔The "Creation and reading of a file" module in Java teaches how to create and manipulate files using various file-handling techniques. Students will learn how to write data to a file, read data from a file, and use different file input/output streams. They will also explore file permissions and how to handle exceptions when working with files. This module is essential for any Java developer looking to work with file systems and data storage.

➔ Finally, we will learn about the UI thread and how it works in JavaFX.